About us
The mission of the 2021 Global Assembly was to give everyone on earth a seat at the global governance table.
The vision: to create a permanent global citizens’ assembly
...that by 2030 has over 10m annual participants, is recognised in improving our ability to tackle global issues such as climate change, health and inequality, is recognised by over 50% of the global population and is mostly funded by citizens’ donations.
The history: built from the ground-up
... by a global family from over 110 countries.
Most citizens’ assemblies are top-down, initiated by governments.
The 2021 Global Assembly was independent. co-designed with institutions, scientists, citizens
and social movements from around the world and built entirely from the ground-up.
The 2021 Global Assembly was founded by a world-class team of specialists who have delivered hundreds of citizen engagement projects including World Wide Views for the Paris and Copenhagen COPs - the only project comparable to the Global Assembly ever undertaken.
These founding partners have worked with the United Nations, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), many governments and foundations.
These organisations were integral to delivering the Global Assembly.
They recruited the 100 community organisations from the 100 points on the globe, each where a citizen was supported to participate in the Core Assembly.
- G1000.nu (Netherlands)
- iDeemos (Colombia)
- MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology (Philippines)
- Centre for Environment Education (India)
- Community Organisers (UK)
- School of Collective Intelligence (Morocco)
- Shimmer SDG Hub (China)
- UDaan (Pakistan)
- Delibera (Brazil)
The Global Assembly has been made possible through the support of five pioneering partners. Our sincere thanks to all of them for bringing this impossible project to fruition.
- Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation UK Branch
- Climate Emergency Collaboration Group (CECG)
- European Climate Foundation (ECF)
- One Project
- Scottish Government
Knowledge and Wisdom Committee
- Professor Sir Robert T. Watson, University of East Anglia (Chair)
- Dr Nafeez Ahmed, System Shift Lab
- Dr Stuart Capstick, Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformation, Cardiff University
- Professor Purnamita Dasgupta, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi
- Professor Saleemul Huq, International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), Bangladesh
- Professor Michael N. Oti, Petroleum Geology, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
- Jyoti Ma (USA) & Mindahi Bastida Munoz (Mexico), The Fountain, Sacred Economics, Indigenous Wisdom Keepers
- Professor Julia Steinberger, Ecological Economics, University of Lausanne
Global Governance and Participation Committee
- Professor Nicole Curato, Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance at the University of Canberra (Chair)
- Professor Bonny Ibhawoh, Human Rights History and African History McMaster University, Canada
- Poonam Joshi, Director, Funders Initiative for Civil Society, UK
- Professor Helene Landemore, Yale University, USA
- Dr Tiago Peixoto, Senior Public Sector Specialist, World Bank
- Vijayendra (Biju) Rao, Lead Economist in the Development Research Group, World Bank
- Natalie Samarasinghe, (then) United Nations Association
Akoma Ntoso is an ancient Ghanaian adinkra symbol, directly translated as 'linked hearts'.
Akoma Ntoso symbolises the deep understanding, agreement and harmony possible when we communicate from the heart. It also represents unity; that all people are connected.
The Global Assembly has adopted this symbol for our logo in the hope is that the Global
Assembly creates heart-to-heart relationships between people across the world; as when we
connect at the level of our real hopes and fears, strong relationships and new possibilities
It was chosen by people involved in the evolution of the Global Assembly, including Ghanaian citizens.