How it worked
We want everyone to have a voice in deciding how to respond to the climate and
ecological crisis.
That's why the Global Assembly had two important parts:
1. Core Assembly
2. Community Assemblies
Both sought to answer the question: How can humanity address the climate and ecological crisis in a fair and effective way?
1. Core Assembly
The Core Assembly was a proportionally representative group of 100 people from around the world; a snapshot of the planet's population.
This group learned about the climate and ecological crisis, deliberated together, decided what they wanted to happen, and presented proposals at the United Nations COP26 climate conference in November 2021.
2. Community Assemblies
Alongside the Core Assembly people all over the world ran their own Community Assemblies, using a step-by-step toolkit.
They took place in workplaces, schools, places of worship and neighbourhoods.
Feedback from those assemblies is included in the final report of the 2021 Global