Induction Survey

Thank you!
Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey, which will take roughly 10 minutes. This will improve how the Global Assembly is run in the future. Your responses to the survey will remain anonymous. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to discuss these with your community host.

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Tell us about your experience

First, help us learn about your experience of being recruited to the Global Assembly.

The purpose of this section is to help us learn about your experience of being recruited to the Global Assembly.

Is your community host translating this survey for you? *

Please describe your level of satisfaction with the following elements of the recruitment process.

The explanation received from your recruiter about what participating in the Global Assembly involves *
Your recruiter’s ability to answer your questions *
Frequency of communications from your recruiter *
Your relationship with your recruiter *

Assembly Members were selected by a lottery. How satisfied are you with selecting participants by lottery? *
Would you recommend a lottery-selection process for the selection of decision-makers? *
Would you be interested in exploring other uses for a lottery-selection process? *
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Next, we are interested in your expectations about the Global Assembly.

Why did you choose to participate in the Global Assembly? Multiple options are possible *
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Do you think the Global Assembly will make a difference? *
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The purpose of this section is to help us learn about your views on the climate and ecological crisis.

How interested are you in discussing the climate and ecological crisis? *
How concerned are you about the climate and ecological crisis? *
How confident are you in your understanding of the causes of the climate and ecological crisis? *

What do you think is needed to deal with the climate and ecological crisis?

We need…

… to include more scientific expertise in policy making *
… more multilateral collaboration between national governments *
… more citizen involvement on the global level, for instance through global citizens’ assemblies *
… more citizen involvement on the local level, for instance through local citizens assemblies *

Do you think a Global Citizens’ Assembly on Climate is a good or a bad way to...

… influence policy making on climate *
… develop a global strategy to deal with climate change *
… make global climate governance more fair *
… raise global awareness of the climate crisis *
…learn about other perspectives on climate change *
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To what extent do you feel any of the following emotions in regards to the climate and ecological crisis before attending the assembly? *
Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Very much
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What degree of responsibility do the following actors have for causing the climate and ecological crisis? *
Not responsible Slightly responsible Somewhat responsible Quite responsible Very responsible
Civil society organisations
National governments
Local and regional governments

What degree of responsibility do the following actors have in addressing the climate and ecological crisis?

Individuals *
Civil society organisations *
Charities *
Businesses *
National governments *
Local and regional governments *

How much do you know about the following topics?

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) *
The Paris Agreement *
COP26 (United Nations Climate Conference in Glasgow 2021) *
Climate Justice *
Citizens’ assemblies/ juries/ dialogues *

How much influence do you feel you have personally on the following aspects?

Addressing the climate and ecological crisis *
Global decision-making about the climate and ecological crisis *
National decision-making about the climate and ecological crisis *
Local decision-making about the climate and ecological crisis *
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We have some questions about you as a person.

Are you experiencing the impacts of climate change where you live? *
How interested would you say you are in politics?
In the last 3 years, have you attended any government or public sector meetings? *
How likely would it be for you to attend a government or public sector meeting in the next year? *
How likely are you to organize a community activity to share your learnings from the Global Assembly? *
How much confidence do you have in humanity to deal with the climate and ecological crisis? *

The following questions will help us understand your experiences within the induction session (today) and improve how the Global Assembly is run in the future.

How did you experience the platform used to host the session (the Miro Board)?

The Miro Board was… *

How did you experience the speed with which the lead facilitator guided you through the session?

[The facilitator was the person in charge of moderating the conversation during the small-group conversations]
The facilitator’s speed was… *

The facilitator was the person in charge of moderating the conversation during the small-group conversations

What do you think about the time allocated to this session?

The session was… *

Was the information provided in the session too complex, too simplistic or just the right level of complexity for you to understand the issues and inform your decisions?

The information was… *

Were there any barriers that made it difficult for you to participate in the session? *

Multiple answers are possible

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Did you receive sufficient technical support and equipment? *
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Next we would like to ask you about your impression of the facilitator.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

The facilitator…

…Respected me *
…Included me in deliberations *
…Included all participants in deliberations equally *
…Ensured opposing views were considered *
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Next we would like to ask you about your impression of the community host.

[The community host is a person from a national organization/university/institution supporting you by guiding you through the deliberation and translating your views to English during the Global Assembly]

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

The community host…

…Provided me with the information I needed during the session *
…Communicated my views to the group well *
…Translated at the right speed for me *
…Enabled me to participate fully in discussions *

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This next question asks about the communication between the members of the Global Assembly.

To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

I had a fair number of opportunities to speak *
Other members had a fair number of opportunities to speak *
All members were heard equally *
Fellow members respected what I had to say, even when they didn't agree with me *

To what extent do you feel that the diversity of opinions members had were reflected in the discussion?

To what extent, if at all, do you feel that… *
Not at all Slightly Somewhat Considerably Very much
your understanding of the issue has become clearer throughout the process?
you understood the arguments, perspectives, and concerns of others?
your opinion(s) changed as a result of the deliberative process?
you persuaded others of your point of view?

Which of the following statements describes how you see your own role in the deliberations?

I see myself as speaking on behalf of... *
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
People like me
Specific causes
Specific groups
My local area
My country
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The purpose of this section is to evaluate the impact of this session of the Global Assembly.

Has your perspective on climate change and the ecological crisis changed after the discussion? *
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