Community Hosts Feedback Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of Community Hosts Feedback, before proceeding in this survey, please make sure that you have completed Community Hosts Feedback Part 1.

Make sure to mention the same name and CH Code that you have indicated in part 1


A unique code of your sortition-selected point

Before we agreed to be a Community Host, we had enough information to help us prepare for the role *
There was enough time and opportunity to get our questions answered before we agreed to be a Community Host *
The Community Host onboarding process gave us all the information and support we needed at that time *
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Please let us know if you agree or disagree with the following statements:
It was pleasant and easy to work with our Cluster Facilitator throughout the Global Assembly *
Our Cluster Facilitator was always able to provide the support we needed *
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Please let us know if you agree or disagree with the following statements:
It was pleasant and easy to work with our Breakout Facilitator throughout the Global Assembly *
Our Breakout Facilitator was always able to provide the support we needed *
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Please let us know if you agree or disagree with the following statements:
It was pleasant and easy to work with the Global Support Team throughout the Global Assembly *
The Global Support Team was always able to provide the information and support we needed *
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Did you attend the Global Assembly sessions along with your participant? *
Attending the Global Assembly sessions as a Community Host was rewarding and interesting *
To what extent did connection issues at your end affect your Global Assembly sessions? *
To what extent did connection issues of others (participants or facilitator) affect your Global Assembly sessions? *
Participants were able to have an effective and meaningful dialogue even if there were translators involved. *
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Did you attend the COP26 sessions along with your participant? *
Please let us know if you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Attending COP26 sessions as a Community Host was rewarding and interesting *
We were given enough information and support to carry out our role during COP26 *
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Please let us know if you agree or disagree with the following statements:
The timing of Global Assembly breakout sessions worked well for us *
The timing of Global Assembly plenary sessions worked well for us *
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Thinking about the frequency of Global Assembly sessions (1-4 sessions per week), do you think they were… *
Thinking about the total time you spent in Global Assembly sessions, do you think it was *
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please indicate in US Dollars if possible

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please indicate in US Dollars if possible

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Please let us know if you agree or disagree with the following statements:
We had enough information to keep track of what was going on with the Global Assembly overall *
Throughout the process, we had a clear idea of what the next steps were going to be *
We were able to give our input and/or feedback about the Global Assembly project if/when we wanted to *
If we gave input and/or feedback about the Global Assembly project, we felt listened to *
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Did you know what citizens’ assemblies were before your engagement in the Global Assembly? *
Did you know what sortition was before your engagement in the Global Assembly? *
Would you recommend a lottery-selection process for the selection of decision-makers? *
Has your likelihood to recommend a lottery-selected process for the selection of decision-makers changed as a result of your engagement in the Global Assembly? *
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Would you be interested in exploring other uses for a lottery-selection process? *
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How much influence do you feel you have on the following aspects? *
No influence at all Very little influence Some influence A lot of influence A great deal of influence
Addressing the climate and ecological crisis
Global decision-making about the climate and ecological crisis
National decision-making about the climate and ecological crisis
Local decision-making about the climate and ecological crisis
Has your perception of your personal influence on any of the aspects above changed as a result of your engagement in the Global Assembly? *
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How interested would you say your organization is in politics? *
Has your organization’s interest in politics changed as a result of your engagement in the Global Assembly? *
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In the last 3 years, have you or another member of your Community Host organization attended any government or public sector meetings? *
How likely would it be for you or another member of your Community Host organization to attend a government or public sector meeting in the next year? *
How likely are you to organize a community activity to share your learnings from the Global Assembly? *
How interested was your organization, in the climate and ecological crisis, before your engagement in the Global Assembly? *
Has your organization’s interest in the climate & ecological crisis changed as a result of your engagement in the Global Assembly? *
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How concerned was your organization about the climate and ecological crisis, before your engagement in the Global Assembly? *
Has your organization’s concern about the climate & ecological crisis changed as a result of your engagement in the Global Assembly? *
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Are you experiencing the impacts of climate change where you live? *
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Would you be interested in remaining part of the Global assembly? *
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Thank you very much for your dedication and your patience; we recognise this was a big ask. The final questions will allow you to express any further thoughts and to give feedback on this survey.
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