Session 9 Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey, which will take roughly 10 minutes. This will improve how the Global Assembly is run in the future. Your responses to the survey will remain anonymous. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to discuss these with your community host. If you did not have time to complete the previous survey, you can still do it: Session 2 Survey

A unique code of your sortition-selected point

Tell us About Your Experience
Is your community host translating this survey for you? *
[The Community Host is a person from a national organization/university/institution supporting you by guiding you through the deliberation and translating your views to English during the Global Assembly]

The following questions will help us understand your experiences within Block 2 and today’s session (i.e., the meetings you attended from last Thursday October 16 to today October 21) and improve how the Global Assembly is run in the future.

What do you think about the time allocated to this session?

The sessions were *

The time allocated to…

… Learn and deliberate with other Assembly Members to understand temperature rise scenarios was… *
… Learn and deliberate with other Assembly Members to understand how to reduce emissions was… *
… Listen to witnesses and deliberate with other Assembly Members to understand fairness principles… *

Was the information provided by speaker, Farhana Yamin, too complex, too simplistic, or just the right level of complexity for you to understand the issues and inform your decisions?

The information was… *

Witnesses introduced different perspectives on fairness during the breakout sessions: Vaine Wichman from the Cook Islands Council of Woman, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development and Jojo Metha from Stop Ecocide.

Was the information provided in the session by witnesses too complex, too simplistic, or just the right level of complexity for you to understand the issues and inform your decisions?

The information was… *

To what extent do you feel that the information resources provided were neutral, fair and showed diverse viewpoints?

Please answer on a scale of 0 to 5, where 0 means “the information provided felt very biased” and 5 means “the information provided felt neutral with a large diversity of sources”. *

How interested are you in discussing the climate and ecological crisis? *
How much confidence do you have in humanity to deal with the climate and ecological crisis? *
How concerned are you about the climate and ecological crisis? *
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Next we would like to ask you about your impression of the facilitators.

How did you experience the speed with which the two lead facilitators guided you through the plenary session?

[The lead facilitator was the person in charge of moderating the conversation during the plenary last Saturday, 16 October (i.e., large group conversations)]
The facilitators’ speed was… *

How did you experience the speed with which the breakout facilitator guided you through the sessions?

[Your breakout facilitator was the person in charge of moderating the conversation during the small-group conversations]
The facilitators’ speed was… *

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

The facilitator in the small group discussions…

… Provided clear instructions on the task we are supposed to complete *
…Respected me *
…Included me in deliberations *
…Included all Assembly Members in deliberations equally *
…Ensured opposing views were considered *
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This next question asks about the communication between the members of the Global Assembly.

To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

I had a fair number of opportunities to speak *
Other members had a fair number of opportunities to speak *
All members were heard equally *
Fellow members respected what I had to say, even when they didn't agree with me *

How many of the other members did you feel had different views compared to your own? *

To what extent, if at all, do you feel that…

Your understanding of the issue has become clearer throughout the process? *
you understood the arguments, perspectives, and concerns of others? *
your opinion(s) changed as a result of the information provided by speakers, witnesses & learning materials and was reflected in the way you voted? *
your opinion(s) changed as a result of the deliberation with other Assembly Members and was reflected in the way you voted? *
you persuaded others of your point of view? *

Do you think the Global Assembly will make a difference? *

What degree of responsibility do the following actors have for causing the climate and ecological crisis?

Individuals *
Civil society organisations *
Charities *
Businesses *
National governments *
Local and regional governments *

What degree of responsibility do the following actors have in addressing the climate and ecological crisis?

Individuals *
Civil society organisations *
Charities *
Businesses *
National governments *
Local and regional governments *

How much influence do you feel you have personally on the following aspects?

Addressing the climate and ecological crisis *
Global decision-making about the climate and ecological crisis *
National decision-making about the climate and ecological crisis *
Local decision-making about the climate and ecological crisis *

The purpose of this section is to evaluate the impact of these sessions (last Thursday - today) of the Global Assembly.

Has your perspective on the importance of fairness in how humanity addresses environmental issues changed after the discussions? *
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The purpose of this section is to invite you to reflect on your experience on all sessions you have attended in the Global Assembly so far.

How helpful have you found the following activities or materials so far?

Information Booklet *
Family timeline (7-generation anchoring exercise) *
Graph on plant biodiversity loss from 1900 - Today (with family timeline) *
Graph on projected plant biodiversity loss from Today - 2050 *
Story of interconnectedness (Ant & Butterfly story) *
Maps on temperature & precipitation change (with locations of Assembly Members) *
Graph on projected temperature rise from Today - 2100 (ie. on Scenarios 1-5 with family timeline) *
Tables on future pathways (ie. on Scenario 1, 3 and 5) *

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The following questions will help us understand the demographics of the Assembly Members

What gender do you identify as? *
How much schooling have you had? *
Do you believe climate change is a global emergency? *
How would you rate your literacy level? *
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