Session 12 Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey, which will take roughly 15 minutes. This will improve how the Global Assembly is run in the future. Your responses to the survey will remain anonymous. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to discuss these with your community host. If you did not have time to complete the previous survey, you can still do it: Session 9 Survey

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Tell us About Your Experience
Is your community host translating this survey for you? *
[The Community Host is a person from a national organization/university/institution supporting you by guiding you through the deliberation and translating your views to English during the Global Assembly]

The following questions will help us understand your experiences within Block 3 and today’s session (i.e., the meetings you attended from last Thursday October 23 to today October 30) and improve how the Global Assembly is run in the future.

What do you think about the time allocated to Block 3’s sessions?

The sessions were *

The time allocated to…

… Learn and deliberate with other Assembly Members to understand temperature rise scenarios was… *

Was the information provided by witness Paul Ekins too complex, too simplistic, or just the right level of complexity for you to understand the issues and inform your decisions?

The information was… *

Was the information provided in the session by witness Christopher Jackson too complex, too simplistic, or just the right level of complexity for you to understand the issues and inform your decisions?

The information was… *

To what extent do you feel that the information resources provided were neutral, fair and showed diverse viewpoints?

Please answer on a scale of 0 to 5, where 0 means “the information provided felt very biased” and 5 means “the information provided felt neutral with a large diversity of sources”. *

How interested are you in discussing the climate and ecological crisis? *

How much confidence do you have in humanity to deal with the climate and ecological crisis? *
How concerned are you about the climate and ecological crisis? *
50 words left

To what extent, if at all, do you feel that…

Your understanding of the issue has become clearer throughout the process? *
you understood the arguments, perspectives, and concerns of others? *
your opinion(s) changed as a result of the information provided by speakers, witnesses & learning materials and was reflected in the way you voted? *
your opinion(s) changed as a result of the deliberation with other Assembly Members and was reflected in the way you voted? *
you persuaded others of your point of view? *

How much influence do you feel you have personally on the following aspects?

Addressing the climate and ecological crisis *
Global decision-making about the climate and ecological crisis *
National decision-making about the climate and ecological crisis *
Local decision-making about the climate and ecological crisis *

The purpose of this section is to understand your views about the COP. Please choose one option.

The statement the GA will present in COP was crafted in a fair manner *
I have influenced the statement the GA will present at COP’ *
The process in which we decided whether to endorse the statement to COP was fair *
The representatives of the GA in COP were selected in a fair manner *
The statement the GA will present in COP reflects my own views *
I think the recommendations of the GA will be heard by decision-makers at the COP *
I think the recommendations of the GA will be heard beyond the COP (e.g. media coverage) *
I believe that the COP to respond to the recommendations of the GA *
I am confident the COP is the right forum to address our concerns *
I understand all of the statements in the COP Submission *