Session 14 Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey, which will take roughly 15 minutes. This will improve how the Global Assembly is run in the future. Your responses to the survey will remain anonymous. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to discuss these with your community host. If you did not have time to complete the previous survey, you can still do it here: Session 12 Survey
Partipcant Name

A unique code of your sortition-selected point

The following questions will help us understand your experiences within Block 4 and today’s session (i.e., the meetings you attended from 1-20 November) and improve how the Global Assembly is run in the future.
[The Community Host is a person from a national organization/university/institution supporting you by guiding you through the deliberation and translating your views to English during the Global Assembly]
Is your community host translating this survey for you? *
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Which blue zone events did you watch during the Global Assembly?

Note: “The main business within the Blue Zone is the international negotiations over climate change agreements and actions. Within the Blue Zone each country or territory has a pavilion where they showcase what they are doing on climate change... Within the pavilions, countries want to put on a programme of interesting exhibitions, speakers, receptions, presentations, etc.”
See PDF for reminder of events suggested by GA Team< /span>

Which green zone events did you watch during the Global Assembly?

Note: “The Green Zone is where the public, civil society, Indigenous Peoples, youth groups, charities, academics, artists and businesses can have their voices heard at COP26, through an extensive programme of events, workshops, talks and exhibitions that promote dialogue, awareness, education and commitments.
See PDF for reminder of events suggested by GA Team< /span>

Did you volunteer to be considered to represent the GA in COP26? *
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Did you watch the presentation by speaker Joeri Rogelj? *
These questions are also about your views about how the deliberations in the Global Assembly were communicated at COP26. Please let us know the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements. *

Please limit one answer per row

Completely disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Completely agree
The GA’s proposals were appropriately communicated in the Green zone event on 1 November.
The diversity of GA members was appropriately represented in the GA events
The diversity of GA members’ views was appropriately represented in the GA events
The Assembly Members who presented in COP26 reflected my own views about the climate and ecological emergency.
These questions are also about your views about how the deliberations in the Global Assembly were communicated at COP26. Please let us know the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements. *

Please limit one answer per row

Completely disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Completely agree
I think the recommendations of the GA have been heard by decision-makers at COP26
The recommendations were heard beyond COP26 (e.g. through media coverage)
I think COP26 was the right forum to address our concerns
I think that the leaders at COP26 have responded to the recommendations of the GA
I felt that the decision-makers at COP26 took the GA and its members seriously
I felt that the decision-makers at COP26 cared about the GA and its members.
I felt that the decision-makers at COP26 respected the GA and its members.
I believe the Glasgow Climate Pact reflects the recommendations of the Global Assembly
After attending COP26, do you think a Global Citizens’ Assembly on Climate is a good or a bad way to... *

Please limit one answer per row

Very bad way Rather bad way Neither good nor bad way Rather good way Very good way
… influence policy making on climate
… develop a global strategy to deal with climate change
… make global climate governance more fair
… raise global awareness of the climate crisis
…learn about other perspectives on climate change
I felt that the decision-makers at COP26 cared about the GA and its members.
After attending COP26, do you think the Global Assembly will make a difference? *
After attending COP26, to what extent do you feel any of the following emotions in regards to the climate and ecological crisis? *

Please limit one answer per row

Not at all Somewhat Quite Very much
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After attending COP26, what degree of responsibility do you think the following actors have in addressing the climate and ecological crisis? *

Please limit one answer per row

Completely disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Completely agree
Civil society organisations
National governments
Local and regional governments
After attending COP26, how much influence do you feel you have personally on the following? *

Please limit one answer per row

No influence at all Very little influence Some influence A lot of influence A great deal of influence
Addressing the climate and ecological crisis
Global decision-making about the climate and ecological crisis
National decision-making about the climate and ecological crisis
Local decision-making about the climate and ecological crisis
We want to learn about your experience sharing and deliberating with other participants about your experience at COP.

How did you experience the speed with which the lead facilitator guided you through the plenary session?

[The facilitator was the person in charge of moderating the conversation during the plenary session and the small-group conversations]
The facilitators’ speed was… *

What do you think about the time allocated to the plenary session?

The session was… *

Next we would like to ask you about your impression of your breakout facilitator.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

The breakout facilitator… *

Please limit one answer per row

Completely disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Completely agree
…Respected me
…Included me in deliberations
…Included all participants in deliberations equally
…Ensured opposing views were considered
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This next question asks about the communication between the members of the Global Assembly. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? *

Please limit one answer per row

Completely disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Completely agree
I had a fair number of opportunities to speak
Other members had a fair number of opportunities to speak
All members were heard equally
Fellow members respected what I had to say, even when they didn't agree with me
To what extent do you feel that the diversity of opinions members had were reflected in the discussion?
To what extent do you feel that the diversity of opinions members had were reflected in the discussion?
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We now want to learn about how your experience watching and deliberating about COP26 affected your confidence in addressing the climate and ecological crisis.
After watching COP26, how much confidence do you have in the decision-makers in COP to deal with the climate and ecological crisis? *
When you were listening to the negotiations or side events during COP26, were there any events that increased your confidence in the ability of humanity to address the ecological crisis? *
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When you were listening to the negotiations during COP26, were there any decisions that increased your confidence in the ability of humanity to address the ecological crisis? *
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When you were listening to the negotiations or side event during COP26s, were there any actors that increased your confidence in the ability of humanity to address the ecological crisis? *
Which actors? *
Do you feel that government representatives during COP26 considered issues that are important to you and your community? *
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Do you feel that participants from civil society during COP26 considered issues that are important to you and your community? *
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There were several decision-makers (heads of state, politicians, civil servants) from different countries who spoke at the COP26. We are curious to learn the ideas of GA-members about these decision-makers and the way they communicated. The questions are about personal preferences. Some people, for example, like decision-makers to speak in a very simple way, others prefer if decision-makers give a lot of details. There are no wrong answers to these questions, we are interested in your opinions and experiences. Just like all answers, these answers are of course anonymous.
To what extent do you feel the decision-makers at the COP26 are just like you? *

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about the decision-makers at the COP26?
The decision-makers have similar experiences to me *
The decision-makers have a similar economic background to me *
The decision-makers hold similar norms and values to me *

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We would like to know some more about your preferences for the way decision-makers ideally communicate their message(s) at the COP. Could you please indicate to what extent you (dis)agree with the following statements?
Decision-makers do not always have to tell the truth. They can speculate. *
Decision-makers can use complex language. Not everyone needs to understand their speech well. *
Decision-makers can interrupt and use uncivil language. *
Decision-makers ideally focus on what they want, arguments are less important. *
Decision-makers ideally speak without much emotions. *

To what extent did you think the communication of decision-makers at the COP26 was…
Decision-makers shared sometimes wrong information. *
Decision-makers sometimes used difficult and boring language that is difficult to understand for everyone. *
Decision-makers were sometimes rude and unrespectful. *
Decision-makers used little arguments *
Decision-makers showed not much emotions *

To what extent did you think the decision-makers at COP26 showed the following emotions… *

Please limit one answer per row

1 "not at all" 2 3 4 5 "very much
During the COP26, to what extent did the communication of the decision-makers make you feel… *

Please limit one answer per row

1 "not at all" 2 3 4 5 "very much
To what extent do the following statements describe your experience of observing decision-makers during the COP26? *

Please limit one answer per row

1 "not at all" 2 3 4 5 "very much
I paid attention to the decision-makers.
My mind wandered when decision-makers were speaking.
The decision-makers made me think.
I thought about arguments for and against my own and others’ opinions on the issues discussed by decision-makers.
I evaluated the arguments that speak for and against my own and others’ opinions whilst decision-makers were speaking.
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The different speakers you have just heard on Saturday and speaker Joeri Rogelj have discussed different aspects of effectiveness. Here we have listed some elements for you to consider and reflect upon.

1. Governments need to agree to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 50% by 2030.

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2. The pledges need to be backed up by monitorable actions.

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Joeri Rogelj described the 3 initiatives below as initiatives that could support or hinder the effectiveness of climate action:

3. Ending fossil fuel subsidies (reminder that we also heard 2 witnesses speak to fossil fuel subsidies)

Put "I'm not sure" or "I need more information" if you are unable to answer

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4. Making the countries’ climate pledges (Nationally Determined Contributions or NDCs) legally binding

Put "I'm not sure" or "I need more information" if you are unable to answer

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5. Using Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR), also known as Negative Emissions Technologies, for mitigation.

Put "I'm not sure" or "I need more information" if you are unable to answer

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